
We are entrepreneurial – What we mean by that? Being careful when assessing risks as we bear the consequences. But take risks and innovate..

We are entrepreneurial property consultants experienced to work with best in class worldwide. We provide tailored and high quality services. We are seeking long-term relationships to build trust & efficiency. We are of the view that the world is often less complex than it appears..

Entrepreneurial. Entrepreneur. Unternehmerisch. Unternehmer.

Reto Siegrist, Managing Partner

Master in Finance & Accounting, University of St. Gallen (lic. oec. HSG). 10 years at Swiss Reinsurance Company, Alternative Investments, Director, Real Estate Transactions Worldwide. Since 2009 Managing Partner at siegrist partner (and predecessor companies). Reto Siegrist is Swiss and was born in Hongkong.